Payment Processing 101 – The Fundamentals

IntroductionPayment processing refers to the technology and steps involved in transferring money from a customer to a business whenever a purchase is made. Whether you buy something online, pay at a local store, or use a mobile app, payment processing ensures funds move safely and securely between parties. Understanding the basics can help any business […]

Understanding Chargeback Representment

When a merchant contests a chargeback by submitting evidence in an attempt to reverse it this is known as representment. By “re-presenting” the transaction with a rebuttal letter explaining their position and any supporting documents, the merchant hopes to convince the issuing bank that the transaction was in fact genuine. Read the rest of this […]

Interactive Payments Insider Demo

Payments Insider is an all-in-one payments portal designed to meet the needs of different types of businesses. Our interactive demos will cover the features that are most relevant to your business. This demo will walk you through many of the features Payments Insider puts at your fingertips, and covers how to:

How to View and Respond to Chargeback Disputes in Payments Insider

My Payments Insider is not just a reporting portal! In MPI you can now mange the chargeback process from start to finish. The article below will show you how to access and manage you chargebacks online.

What is a Chargeback?

Your customer might dispute a transaction for many different reasons. Some common ones include: Remember, these are not the only reasons a transaction might be disputed, and getting an approval code does not guarantee that the transaction won’t be disputed later on. The cardholder starts the dispute process by talking to the bank that issued […]